Improper Costing Techniques Could Be The Reason Your Software Development Projects Fail

Clients that need software built always want to know how much it will cost them, and a lot of times (at least as we have experienced at Intellectual Apps) they want to have this information before work begins. In order to get a “realistic” estimate of how much it will cost to build the piece of software, agencies would elicit the requirements and then based on that come up with an estimate of the cost. Client has a cost for getting their software built while the agency is happy they got the project. Great!

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How to Use the Backend for Frontend (BFF) Pattern in Your Mobile Application Architecture

This article is a summary of my presentation at the O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference in London. The Youtube video above is an explanation of some of the concepts in this article.

Maintaining an API gateway these days generally involves handling different types of user facing apps such as a web, mobile (of different platforms) and IOT devices. The Backend for Frontend (BFF) pattern specifically addresses this aspect of software solutions.

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