Idea to Software Product

Learn the 5 key steps to turn your idea into a successful software product—without falling into the 70% that fail, run over budget, or face costly delays.

for founders and business leaders

FREE BONUS: Gain access to the free mini-course and get a free 12-page PDF titled Things to Consider Before Building an App

What you’ll learn in less that 40 minutes:

Section 1: How to articulate your idea for clarity of communication to development teams

Section 2: How to identify and build the right team structure for you

Section 3: Understanding costs. Simplifying the complexity around costs and its components

Section 4: Secrets to optimising the product development process for success

Section 5: Other things such as the true meaning of estimates, plans, targets, and commitments. Protecting your intellectual property

For over 20 years I have used this same knowledge to transform ideas into software products for several startups and businesses such as:

Spending hundreds of thousands or even millions on an idea DOES NOT guarantee success. There are key things you need to know about as a founder or business leader in order nurture the process and work with people to transform your idea into a software product. This is exactly what this free mini-course teaches.

FREE BONUS: Gain access to the free mini-course and get a free 12-page PDF titled Things to Consider Before Building an App

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Get Access to the Free Mini-Course

Includes a free 12-page PDF titled Things to Consider Before Building an App

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