Aligning your business vision and tech strategy is nothing more than getting the right person or team and then ensuring you have good communication between yourselves. You also need to note that a business vision represents lateral thinking while a lot of technology leaders are linear thinkers. You want your technology strategy to match the lateral thinking of your business strategy while also providing clear guidance for the linear thinking required for executing that technology blueprint.
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As a Software Developer, How Do You Actually Communicate Better?
“Assumption is the mother of all mistakes” — Mr. Eugene Lewis Fordsworthe.
Most of my takes on the importance of communication in the software development space has been from the perspective of the team lead or manager. In this article I want to talk about communication from the perspective of a regular team member and how one can communicate more effectively on their team. I believe some of the suggestions below may even help you standout in your team and earn your team lead’s respect. Here they are:
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